"Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me."
Psalm 25:4-5
Tentative Registration Dates:
July 8- Teacher Registration
July 9 - Returning Family Registration
July 10 - Waitlist Registration
(as available)
Please note,
you MUST contact us via email by May 31 if you are interested in Fall 2024 registration. hishomeschoolcoop@gmail.com
Haddon Heights Baptist Church
300 Station Ave.
Haddon Heights, NJ 08035
Please see the Registration page for more information on how to join our waitlist.
For current members,
please visit our Homeschool Life site here:
HIS Home Educators (HIS Homeschool Co-op)* (homeschool-life.com)

Welcome. We are glad you have come to visit!
The spring semester will meet for 10 weeks February through April at our Haddon Heights campus. We will register families beginning with teachers who have committed to teaching for the semester, followed by families who were registered for the previous semester. Wait list families will be offered available class spots.
We will not be posting open registration via the website. If you have questions, you are welcome to email us at
Please note, our co-op is designed primarily for school-age children. Registration requests for FAMILIES WHOSE OLDEST CHILD IS NOT AT LEAST KINDERGARTEN AGE (5 years old by September of the school year) will not be processed. Our preschool classes and nursery are available to support families with school age children but unfortunately we do not have the building capacity to admit individual preschoolers. Families that fall under this category may submit a request to join the waitlist for the Fall the oldest child qualifies to attend.

Kids and parents enjoy connecting with other homeschoolers and many of our families make friendships that extend beyond Friday mornings.
A place for relationship and fellowship with like-minded families as we endeavor to homeschool our children.
We come together to offer group classes in order to supplement and enrich our children's education.